The newly ordained priests are:
- Joseph Bùi Huy Đạt, S.J.
- Vincent Phạm Văn Đoàn, S.J.
- Joseph Trần Ngọc Huynh, S.J.
- Mathew Huỳnh Minh Thiện, S.J.
- Thomas Thiện Nguyễn Đăng Trung, S.J.
- Joseph Vũ Thành Trung, S.J.
- Joseph Lê Vĩnh Tự, S.J.

In his homily, Bishop Khang emphasized the identity of a disciple following the example of St. Francis Xavier, a tireless disciple who continually set out to proclaim the Gospel of Christ. Drawing from the Saint’s example, the Bishop not only invited the newly ordained priests to live faithfully according to their identity as disciples, as St. Francis did, but also called the entire community of God’s people to remember and embody this identity.
Starting from Jesus’ command to His disciples before His ascension: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19), Bishop Khang urged the ordinands to emulate St. Francis Xavier by fully embracing their identity as “priests on the way,” always prepared to open themselves up and commit to the mission. He also stressed that this mission is entrusted to all Christians. Everyone is personally called to proclaim and bear witness to Christ.
At the end of the Mass, Fr. Provincial Joseph Phạm Tuấn Nghĩa, S.J., on behalf of the newly ordained priests and the Jesuits, offered thanksgiving to God and expressed deep gratitude to the Bishops, priests, parents of the newly ordained, benefactors, relatives, and all participants for their love and collaboration with the Society of Jesus in organizing the celebration.