Nine newly vowed Jesuit scholastics of the Province

took their first perpetual vows on the feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola during a Mass presided over by Rev. Fr. Joseph Pham Tuan Nghia, SJ, Provincial of the Vietnamese Jesuit Province, at Epiphany Parish in Thu Duc City, Vietnam, on Wednesday, 31 July 2024


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Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion: Carrying God’s heart to the people

A group of scholastics from Saint Joseph Jesuit Scholasticate in Vietnam were installed as extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist during a Mass on 15 August, the Solemnity of the Assumption. For the 30 men in their philosophy studies and the 17 in theology, this installation was a major step in their journey towards becoming priests.

A vibrant gathering at the Jesuit Candidacy House in Vietnam for the Feast of St Ignatius

The Jesuit Candidacy House in Thu Duc City celebrated the Feast of St Ignatius on 27 July with a lively gathering of Jesuit candidates, primarily from the southern region of Vietnam, numerous benefactors, friends, some Jesuits from Canada, the Philippines, and the USA, and, notably, the families and friends of 18 incoming novices about to join the Sacred Heart Jesuit Novitiate.

Following the footsteps of the Good Shepherd: Ordinations in the Chinese Province

A voice booms across the room: “Good morning, teacher!”—the voice of Paul Hoang Huy Huu SJ. On Saturday, 6 July, in Holy Family Church, Taipei, Paul was ordained deacon by Mgr Thomas Chung, Archbishop of Taipei. Paul’s voice will now be dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel. His is a voice that can penetrate walls and will surely reach into the hearts of many.

Networking in vocation promotion

The Saint Joseph Jesuit Scholasticate of the Vietnamese Province organised the second “Come and See” programme for the youth of Tan My Parish in Ho Chi Minh City on 19 May. The programme brings together many young people from various groups to explore and learn about vocation in religious life.

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Activities and events such as priesthood ordination, diaconate ordination, vows mass, etc. of the Province are updated here.

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OUr implementation of the uaps

4 Universal Apostolic Preferences

Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAPs) are the fruit of a process of discernment lasting almost two years. All Jesuits were invited to take part and in addition our mission partners. It concluded with a confirmation from Pope Francis in a special meeting with Fr General Arturo Sosa. The Preferences give a horizon, a point of reference to the whole Society of Jesus. They captured our imaginations and awaken our desires. They unite us in our mission. The new Preferences are four areas vital for our world today. The Society of Jesus will pay special attention to them in the next ten years. We invite you to learn more and take action with us! We want to make a Gospel difference.

Show the way to God through the Spiritual Exercises and discernment.

Walk with the poor, the outcasts of the world, those whose dignity has been violated, in a mission of reconciliation and justice.

Accompany young people in the creation of a hope-filled future.

Collaborate, with Gospel depth, for the protection and renewal of God’s Creation.