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Jesuit Communications
Vietnam Province of the Society of Jesus
Family, friends and members of religious communities gathered on the bright morning of June 8 to witness the diaconate ordination of Joseph Dang Do Nhan SJ by Most Rev John B Shan-Chuan Hung SVD, Archbishop of Taipei. The Mass was held at St Robert Bellarmine Chapel of Fu Jen Faculty of Theology of St Robert Bellarmine, New Taipei City.The solemn rites were celebrated with music, indigenous dance and choir. The atmosphere was warm and joyful. Archbishop Hung encouraged Deacon Dang to serve God and fulfil His Holy Words with a pure heart. He also asked the congregation to pray for the new deacon’s family who have generously dedicated their son to God.Deacon Dang expressed his gratitude foremost to the Lord who continues to love sinners like him. Originally from Vietnam, he also thanked the Vietnamese Province, where the seed of his vocation was planted and grew, and the Chinese Province for accepting his desire for an international Regency. Lastly, he thanked his family for their company, support and encouragement.Deacon Dang first thought of becoming a priest as a child. The dream gradually faded out, but many years later, while at Mass, he found himself very touched by the singing of the Peace Prayer of St Francis. This time he decided to respond to God’s call. When he shared his desire to pursue the priesthood with his mother, she told him it was a difficult road to follow. “Dare you go to the end?” she asked. Deacon Dang replied, ”Just support me and give the rest to God. He will surely help me to complete this journey!”Indeed, Deacon Dang has deeply felt God’s love and help throughout his vocation. Looking back he says his most impressive experience is failure. Instead of being frustrated, he believes failure has taught him to listen, to open himself up, to accept others more easily, to comfort others and to help others out of their worries. In the process, he always thanks God for accepting his imperfections and filling in his shortcomings from time to time.Deacon Dang admits he is nervous about the responsibility that lies ahead, yet he is filled with hope in spreading Jesus’ love through social services. He believes that when you serve, people can see you as a witness of love. Quoting John 15:12, he said, “Love one another as I love you.”Source: http://www.sjapc.net/2019/06/diaconate-ordination-in-taiwan/?utm_source=JCAP+Contacts&utm_campaign=1f117a31e9-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_JUNE+13&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_e5bb4b4878-1f117a31e9-88244129