As extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, they are missioned to distribute Holy Communion, especially to the sick and the elderly. With this addition, the scholasticate now has 65 men in formation for the priesthood who have been instituted in this ministry.
Vietnamese Provincial Fr Phạm Tuấn Nghĩa SJ presided over the Eucharistic celebration with Rector, Fr Barnabas Vũ Minh Trí SJ, and House Minister, Fr Nguyễn Đình Khánh SJ, concelebrating. In his homily, Fr Nghĩa reminded the scholastics that this ministry is God’s grace, deepening their sense of service through the Eucharist. “You take the Body of Christ to everyone,” he said, “especially to the poor and those who hunger for God in their lives.”
He encouraged them to follow the example of Mary, who, “even when exalted as queen, continues to be the Lord’s handmaid.” Although she faced many difficulties, she embraced her sacrifices out of love for her Son. “Mary exemplified collaboration with the Holy Spirit in the history of salvation, always relying on God’s grace in her humanity,” said Fr Nghĩa.
He added that true happiness is not the same as winning a game of table tennis, a comment that drew chuckles from the community. This is “mere external happiness,” he explained. “Real happiness lies in following Christ bearing the Cross. If you follow Christ without any sacrifice or suffering, then that is not a genuine religious life.”
Fr Nghĩa also cited Catherine of Siena, a saint and doctor of the Church, as someone who loved Christ and the Church fully, even in the midst of suffering. Catherine had a vision in which Christ appeared to her, opened her left side, and removed her heart. In a later vision, Jesus returned, carrying His Sacred Heart. He once again opened her left side, but this time, He placed His heart within her.
“We mediate between God and God’s people,” said Fr Nghĩa. “Let us carry God’s heart to every person we encounter, especially those in difficult situations.”
Kiều Duy Triều SJ, second year philosophy, and Trần Bá Nhật SJ, first year theology, collaborated on this story as part of their writing exercise in journalism with Filipino Regent Rogelio R Nato Jr SJ.