- Joseph Bui The Dung, S.J.
- Joseph Nguyen Van Duc, S.J.
- Dominic Ha Quoc Huy, S.J.
- Anthony Nguyen Van Huy, S.J.
- Joseph Do Van Lieu, S.J.
- John the Baptist Tran Ngoc Anh Linh, S.J.
- Paul Nguyen Huu Phong, S.J.
- Joseph Ngo Van Son, S.J.
- Dominic Nguyen Van The, S.J.
In his homily, Bishop Kham reminded the men that the role of deacons is to engage in the ministry of the Word of God which must be done not only by words but also by concrete actions. Mentioning the example of Saint Joseph, the bishop invited them to listen and understand the Word of God as St. Joseph did through moments of silence. He also invited the candidates to “not only listen to the Word of God but also listen to the voice of their own hearts and others in order to carry out the Word of God in the midst of a noisy and polluted world.”
At the end of the Mass, on behalf of the Province’s members, Fr. Provincial expressed his sincere gratitude to the Bishop, Jesuit formators, priests, religious, professors, collaborators, students, the families and relatives of the newly ordained for their prayer and support to the newly ordained deacons.
Up to present, the Society of Jesus in Vietnam has 278 members including, 101 priests, 133 scholastics, 15 brothers, and 29 novices.