Saint Joseph Jesuit Scholasticate Celebrated its New Academic Year with Mass of the Holy Spirit

On 28th March, 2018, St. Joseph Jesuit Scholasticate (SJJS) of the Vietnam Jesuit Province celebrated the Mass of the Holy Spirit to begin the new Academic Year.
Jesuit Communications

Jesuit Communications

Vietnam Province of the Society of Jesus

In SJJS tradition, this Mass of the Holy Spirit was offered to ask for His enlightenment and His support for each and every student and for all the professors. In addition, the Mass was also offered to pray for all SJJS benefactors and relatives; in particular, to pray for those who had died.Fr. Vincent Pham Van Mam S.J., Provincial of the Vietnam Province, presided at the Mass by being the Main Celebrant. Concelebrating with him was Saint Joseph Jesuit Scholasticate Rector, Fr. Joseph Pham Tuan Nghia S.J., along with more than 20 priests, both Jesuits and non-Jesuits. There were also around 2 hundred in the congregation, including some professors, all the students, some parents and relatives, and the guests of SJJS.Fr. Barnabas Vu Minh Tri S.J., Prefect of Studies for the Juniors and the Philosophers delivered the homily. In his homily, he shared the ups and downs in SJJS history, in order to show how God’s plan was fulfilled in weak and imperfect human persons. He also pointed out that in the context of diminishing Faith, the values ​​of Christian life are being ignored. Many persons are confused and living in a 'closed state' as post-suffering Apostles. Fr. Tri gently advised: “Open your heart to the Holy Spirit – the Healer and Transformer”. It is the Holy Spirit that transforms the soul and mind of each person in the language of love, just as He did with the Apostles. Finally, he invited SJJS, with an ardent conviction,  to fully trust in God’s power – for God will guide and transform each and every one into an effective instrument of God in today's world.After the homily, the Mass continued with the professors’ promise of faithfulness to teach true Catholic Doctrine.The Opening Ceremony of the school year ended with a fraternal party, along with the simple performances by some scholastics and professors.

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