When it comes to religious men, it is usually imagined that they are prayful and studious guys. In Vietnam, more rarely have people seen the religious men going to the market, cooking, sanitizing and planting. Probably there is no one has thought of them who do business! Nevertheless, the Vietnamese Jesuit scholastics indeed extend their religious realm in order to be a businessmen in trading calendars, cups and books. What happens?![]()
Pic 1 – The scholastics are waiting for customers
Pic 2 – The group of the social apostolic work is on discussion for the party of the friends of the Lord
Pic 3 – The visits with the friends of the Lord
Pic 4 – “The Lessons within the Hearts” copies are displayed to sell
Pic 5 – The Jesuit items produced by SJVN: Calendars, cups and books
Pic 6 – The party of the friends of the Lord – On Christmas 2016
Pic 7 – A face radiant with the smile of a scholastic when a customer comes to buy Jesuit items.